The success of the Maratona dles Dolomites–Enel is unstoppable. And it knows no bounds. The applications to take part in the thirtieth race to be held on Sunday 3rdJuly 2016 have exceeded the 33.000mark. A record. They have come from 89 different countries, 109out of the 110 Italian provincesrepresented and over 4.000pre-registrations for the female category.
The draw
The numbers are staggering and show how the race through the Dolomite passes is an international event, sought after by an incredible number of cyclists from all over the world. As usual, there will be a draw to decide who will take part. The lucky names are now published on the website
193 available places
Anyone whose name hasn’t been extracted but would like to secure a place at the Maratona should go to our website on 24thNovember 2015from 6 p.m. (GMT+1). 193 registrationswill be available for a higher price and the proceeds, after deducting the participation fee of € 110, will go to charity.
The registrations in detail are as follows: 175 GOLD registrations at the price of € 250; 15 PLATINUM registrations at the price of € 500; and 3 CRYSTAL registrations at the price of € 1500.
The proceeds of the higher price registrations will go to the Association of Groups “Insieme si può”Onlus/NGO (, Assisport Alto Adige( and the Alex Zanardi BIMBINGAMBA Association ( These three associations have been friends of the Maratona for many years and we are pleased to be able to contribute, with the help of the competitors, to their commitment to solidarity and support for those in need.
The solidarity project of the Association of Groups "Insieme si può" is connected to people with disabilities in Uganda, one of the poorest countries in the world, where cases of physical impairment are high (according to official estimates approximately 10% of the population).
We intend to provide better access to medical treatment, rehabilitation, food and education, particularly to children and teenagers. We intend to support young people, ensure they receive vocational training,assist them in finding a job, ensure they have access to social services and are included and can participate in family and community life.
Last chance
On 24thMarch 2016 on our website another 193 registrationswill be offered at higher prices but with exactly the same characteristics: 175 GOLD registrations, 15 PLATINUM registrations and 3 CRYSTAL registrations. Again, the proceeds will go to the three associations mentioned above.
After the success of the 2015 race and the popularity with the participants due to the quality of the Castelli-Maratona products, Castelli has renewed its contract with us for another three years. As well as consolidating the collaboration, Castelli will take part in the event, using its strength and energy in great style. The style that befits an Italian brand and world leader and that will guarantee more media growth at all levels at the race through the Dolomites.